Sunday, July 12, 2009

6 months of hot tail action!

life's been busy and i have been incredibly neglectful of rattail dreams. i started feeling like a creep, continuing to take pictures of people's tails without ever actually posting them. so, here you go!

january 1st, 2009:

aidan koch submitted these pictures of her sister zerrin. points for fluffiness. this is like one of those animal shoulder wraps where the animal is biting its own tail . except no animals were harmed to make this shoulder wrap. 100% vegan! i'm loving it.

also points for corresponding bowl cut.

february 16th, 2009:

points for most succinct rattail. there is no extra fuss going on here, pure short haircut, but with a bold yet controlled tail perfectly centered. also points for looking so good when cutting loose! rebecca also got married with her rattail intact. if anyone has pictures of that, please submit!

february 17th, 2009:

jessica james had a crazy rattail. it was long enough for locks of love. when she unbraided it it looked like a jellyfish floating around and waiting to sting someone. points for jellyfish crimp style.

february 27th, 2009:

my band braidstorm played at the february club pop, an all ages night at the club chop suey, on capitol hill in seattle. i was really excited because there were lots of metropolitan underagers freak dancing to our band. the night got even more exciting when i saw these two ladies hanging out, together, with matching rattails! friends? lovers? one-night-stand-to-be? no matter, everyone should have a tail-mate.

march 8th, 2009:

emily (of TacocaT fame) grew this orange beauty. sometimes it would be curly, sometimes sporty, sometimes wispy. it always looked good. and then it got the chop to make room for a new, thicker tail.

RIP lil orangey, may your successor be just as bold and beautiful!

march 13th, 2009:

my band braidstorm played a show at da punx palace in portland. i don't remember who this person is, but the tail gets points for lushness and shine. very healthy looking hair. recommended action: clean up the rest of the back to accentuate the beavertail action.

march 14th, 2009:

here's another portland tail, submitted by zac parker. i dream of seeing tails like this in person. points for gentle swoop and casual yet substantial length. additional points for bike helmet and bridges in the background. i love portland. did you hear that portland? I LOVE YOU!

May 17th, 2009:

i encountered this fine two-tone tail at the bikery in seattle. points for being the most dreamy tail i've seen in the last six months. if i updated more regularly, this would definitely be tail of the week. can you see the blonde and brown intertwined? and the loose braidwork really accentuates the length and freedom this tail is obviously enjoying. this is what i call a dreamtail.

May 23rd, 2009:

here’s another two-tone tail. i encountered this one at dancylvania. this is like the dressed-down version of dreamtail.

May 23rd, 2009:

also at dancylvania, johhny’s red/brown sea anemone tail tuft. points for original design and smashing color combo!

June 11th, 2009:

i encountered this classic braidtail at all ages venue the northern in olympia. points for bulky braid tie-off and adorable end-curl. additional points for colorful headband accessorizing.

it was 95 degrees today. STAY TUNED FOR MORE HOT TAIL ACTION SOON!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


a few months ago i got this really cool package in the mail. i was really excited about getting mail - it was my first package at my new house in seattle! but holy mother of dogs, inside was pure carnage. a rat tail - devastatingly dead, beautifully braided. as zac pointed out, this was a poignant end to the saga, as i was the one who cut it and first braided it. the circle of life. see pervious entries for "in the flesh" action shots of the tail as it once was.

RIP ZAC'S RATTAIL: have fun getting a "real job"

my roommate lucas didn't have the presence of mind to braid his beauty. now it hangs on a dying christmas tree, another very poignant end to a well documented tail.

RIP LUCAS SHRED/TAIL/WHISP/ORNAMENT: have fun with a cold neck


eli's twisty-tail:

still going strong - here you can see it's full length. i went to a cat show today in portland, and they held out cat tails like this to examine them. it was weird, because it was a real animal tail and not a hair cut element. anyways, good work eli, you are growing a truly admirable lock!

sam's seattle deluxe dread-tail:

it seemed slightly shorter and thinner than when it made it's first blog appearance in august, but looking pretty darn good for a dread-tail, which seem to have a relatively short shelf life. being less cuddly than your average tail, dread-tails seem get a lot less love from the general populous. way to go sam, keep the dream alive!

tracey's philly side-tail dream:

looking thicker and more robust than when it first entered the blog-o-sphere last march. points for adroit braid-work and longevity of the tail-style!


i went to cambodia and only saw one rattail, and it was totally an blonde extension braid, being sported by a very sporty and possibly australian tourist. the blurriness is the bus window getting in the way. i hear thailand has more rattails. cambodia was cool, but only had real rats.

i also found some perviously undocumented tails at the iji/math the bad/world history show at healthy times fun club the other week!


points for robust wispiness and two-tone coloring.


this golden gem of tail was spotted late november at chilladelphia. points for unique above the ear placement, and tail-accentuating hairstlye.

oh, and here's my new tail. this is the fourth wave of tail evolution, going on almost two years of various forms of tail action! it was really hot in cambodia and i cut off all my hair. i momentarily forgot i was trying to grow it out over the winter. i'm kind of cold now, but i have a new middle tail that i'm fairly pleased about. i've never had a middle tail before, and while it feels good to have the classic tail positioning going on, i really miss the over-the-shoulder action i've become accustomed to. it was too soon to say goodbye!