Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cafe de Queue de Rat

This is from February, or possibly early March. I was on a lunch break from my job as a receptionist at a bourgeoisie gyno clinic in Ballard, and braved it through the drizzle to Caffe Fiore. There I found not only vegan scones, but also this amazing rat tail/one-inch-wide mullet! In Ballard! Who knew??

The folks at this table may have been a little weirded out when I was creepin them from across the room, but they were very friendly once I explained that I wasn't a creep, just a rat tail fanatic.

Points for having taper for days, being in a surprising location, and the fact that this actually is kind of just a tiny side mullet. See how it goes all the way up? How lovely!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Keeping Summer Alive on the Metro Transit 49

Spotted January 29th, 2011:

What are the ethics of sneaky camera phone pictures? I dabbled with this question for a moment before deciding this was too fierce of tail to pass up, and too early in the morning to talk to a stranger about their hair-do.

Despite it's faded appearance, this tail seemed freshly washed and well-kept. Take this image, and multiply the silkiness by a factor of 7. Then multiply by the early-morning bus ride factor. Answer: