Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sourpatch Curl Supreme

This beautiful tail was spotted on April 8th at 2020 cycles, bobbing along on the shoulders of one member of the tremendously adorable band Sourpatch. Details are fuzzy as this sighting was eight months ago now, but I do remember cornering said band member in the back hallway and leading them to stand under a dim light to better capture this on my cell phone camera. I believe they let me do a little finger-curl styling as well *gushes*!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I like your blog and I'm growing a rattail too. So if you want I can send you a pic of my tail!

Horacio said...

Hey I'm growing a rat tail, can I send you a pic so I could have some suggestions on what I could do with it to make it look better?

Mathieu said...

relly nice rattail