Wednesday, July 23, 2008

more dekum tails

stopped by another show at Dekum Manor last night. to be totally honest, i didn't really give a shit about the bands that were playing, and it was so packed i couldn't get in to the living room to see them anyways. however, there were so many fine tails there last time, i wanted to run my luck again. and since i knew this show was supposed to be way big, i was anticipating... way bigger tails?

also my confidence was bolstered by a an I SAW U in the Mercury from some guy wanting to know where to see the pictures i had taken of his tail, to which I responded via a missed connection post on craigslist, (cause like, i'm not about to fork over however many dollars to email someone back).

apparently this was a smooth move, because when i asked this kid jordan (whose tail picture is way foggy due to condensation from a million sweaty kids in the kitchen) if i could take a picture of his rat tail for my blog he was like "totally! i was just looking at that today and wondering why i wasn't on it!". i can only assume he followed the link in the missed connection post? SWEEET. next stop, business cards.

Jordan's Classic Rat
points for bleached ends and a high tail length/rest of hair length ratio

points for camouflaging with the neck and being the kind of tail you could totally take into a business meeting unnoticed

Rocky's Feathered Tail
points for overall length and impeccable straightness - a rare combo

A True Woodsmen's Tail
points for apparent softness, shine, and matching sideburns

Daniel's Two Tone Twist
again, points for bleached bits and overall flair

Sweepy Curly Dream Tail
this lady had the best tail of the night, hands down.
points for color and curls.

Also, seriously, why does everyone wear their tails to the right? Do left-handed people wear them to the left? What gives?


Strong said...

jordan here,

a friend of mine was checking the missed connections and she sent the link to me via aim. i'm hyped to see myself here. good coverage.

a white fang semi-member TC has a sweet rat starting, go to one of their shows and snap a shot

Anonymous said...

mine is a lefty!

it's more shred status, due to my overall supercurly hair.

it's starting to wrap around my neck again, which is a feat considering i had to lob it off on tour last year because i got too crazy with the beading and feathering.